1915 Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Frage der traumatischen Psychosen (A Case History on the Question of Traumatic Psychoses). Doctoral thesis. Berlin: H. Bode.

1917 Die Technik der psychoanalytischen Therapie, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft 4. The Technique of Psychoanalytic Therapy, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 5(1968): 3.

1923 Zur Genese des weiblichen Kastrationskomplexes, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 9:12. On the Genesis of the Castration Complex in Women, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 5 (1924): 50. Also in Feminine Psychology, ed. Harold Kelman, New York: W. W. Norton, 1966.(《女性心理学:论女性阉割焦虑的起源》)

1926 Review of “Zur Psychologie der weiblichen Sexualfunktionen” by Helene Deutsch, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. Also International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 7:92.

1926 Die Flucht aus der Weiblichkeit, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, 12:360. The Flight from Womanhood, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 7(1926): 324. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:逃避女性身份》)

1926 Gehemmte Weilbichkeit: Psychoanalytischer Beitrag zum Problem der Frigiditat, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft 13 (1926): 67. Inhibited Femininity: A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Problem of Frigidity in Feminine Psychology.

1927 Der Ma..nnlichkeitskomplex der Frau [The Masculinity Complex of Women], Archiv für Frauenkunde 13:141.

1927 Diskussion der Laienanalyse, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. Discussion on Lay Analysis, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 8 (1927): 255.

1927 Psychische Eignung und Nichteignung zur Ehe [Psychological Suitability and Unsuitability for Marriage], Ein biologisches Ehebuch, ed. M. Marcuse, Berlin: Marcus & Weber.

1927 罸ber die psychischen Bestimmungen der Gattenwahl [On the Psychological Condition for Choice of Marriage Partner], Ein Biologisches Ehebuch, ed. M. Marcuse, Berlin: Marcus & Weber.

1927 罸ber der psychischen Wurzeln einiger typische Ehekonflikte [On the Psychological Roots of Typical Marriage Conflicts], Ein biologisches Ehebuch, ed. M. Marcuse,Berlin: Marcus & Weber.

1927 Die monogame Forderung, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 13(1927): 397. The Problem of the Monogamous Ideal, International Journal of PsychoAnalysis, 9:18. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:单偶制理想的难题》)

1928 The Problem of the Monogamie Statute, Psychoanalytic Review 15:92.

1930 Die specifische Problematik der Zwangsneurose im Lichte der Psychoanalyse [Specific Problems of Compulsion Neurosis in Light of Psychoanalysis], Archiv für Psychoanalyse 91:597.

1930 Die Einrichtungen der Lehranstalt: Zur Organisation [The Establishment of the Educational Program: On Organization], Zehn Jahre Berliner Psychoanalytisches Institut, Wien: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag.

1930 Das Misstrauen zwischen den Geschlechtern, Die Чrztin 7 (1931): 5. The Distrust Between the Sexes, Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:两性之间的互不信任》)

1931 Die pra.. menstruellen Verstimmungen, Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse pa..dagogik 5:1. Premenstrual Tension, Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:经前紧张》)

1931 Der Kampf in der Kultur: Einige Gedanken und Bedenken zu Freuds Todestreib und Destruktionstreib in Das Problem der Kultur und die a..rztliche Psychologie in Vortrage Institut für Geschichte der Medizin 4:105. Culture and Aggression: Some Thoughts and Doubts About Freud’s Death Drive and Destruction Drive, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 20 (1960): 130.

1932 Zur Problematik der Ehe, Psychoanalytische Bewegung 4:212. Problems of Marriage, Feminine Psychology.

1932 Die Angst vor der Frau: 罸ber einen spezifischen Unterscheid in der ma..nnlichen und weiblichen Angst vor dem anderen Geschlecht, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 18:5. The Dread of Woman: Observations on a Specific Difference in the Dread Felt by Men and by Women for the Opposite Sex, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 13:348. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:对女人的恐惧:男女对异性恐惧的特定差异观察》)

1932 Die Verleugnung der Vagina: Ein Beitrag zur Frage der spezifisch weiblichen Genitalangst, Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse 19:372. The Denial of the Vagina: A Contribution to the Problem of Genital Anxieties in Women, International Journal of PsychoAnalysis 14 (1933): 57. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:对**的否认》)

1932 On Rank’s Modern Education: A Critique of Its Fundamental Ideas (book review), Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1:349.

1933 Psychogenic Factors in Functional Female Disorders, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 25:694. Also in Feminine Psychology. (《女性心理学:功能性女性障碍的心理起源因素》)

1933 Research in Female Psychology, Institute for Psychoanalysis, Review for the Year, 1932-33, p. 31.

1934 Maternal Conflicts, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 3:455. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:母性冲突》)

1934 Concepts and Misconcepts of the Analytic Method, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 32:880.

1934 Restricted Applications of Psychoanalysis to Social Work, The Family 15:169.

1935 The Overvaluation of Love: A Study of a Common Present-Day Feminine Type, Psychoanalytic Quarterly 3 (1934): 605. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:高估爱情:对今日常见的一种女性类型的研究》)

1935 The Problem of Feminine Masochism, Psychoanalytic Review 22:241. Also in Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:女性受虐性的难题》)

1935 Personality Changes in Female Adolescents, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 5:19. Also in Feminine Psychology. 333.(《女性心理学:青少年女孩的人格改变》)

1935 On Difficulties in Dealing with the Transference, Newsletter, American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers 5:1.

1935 Conceptions and Misconceptions of the Analytical Method, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 81:399.

1936 The Problem of the Negative Therapeutic Reaction, Psychoanalytic Quarterly 5:29.

1936 Culture and Neurosis, American Sociological Review 1:221.

1937 Das neurotische Liebesdurfnis, Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie 10:69. The Neurotic Need for Love, Feminine Psychology.(《女性心理学:对爱的神经症性需要》)

1937 The Neurotic Personality of Our Time, New York: W. W. Norton.(《我们时代的神经症人格》)

1939 Can You Take a Stand? Journal of Adult Education 11:129.

1939 What Is a Neurosis? American Journal of Sociology 45:426.

1939 New Ways in Psychoanalysis, New York: W. W. Norton.(《精神分析的新方向》)

1942 Self-Analysis, New York: W. W. Norton.(《自我分析》)

1945 Our Inner Conflicts, New York: W. W. Norton.(《我们内心的冲突》)

1946 Are You Considering Psychoanalysis?, ed. Karen Horney, New York: W. W.Norton. Articles by Horney: “What Does the Analyst Do?” and “How Do You Progress After Analysis?” In German, “Was tut eigentlich der Psychoanalytiker?” Psyche 4 (1950): 1.

1946 The Future of Psychoanalysis, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 6:66.

1947 Foreword to Gymnastics and Personality by Gertrude LedererEckardt, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 7:48.

1947 Maturity and the Individual, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 7:85.

1949 Foreword to a Letter: Finding the Real Self, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 9:3.

1950 A Morality of Evolution, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 10:64.

1950 Neurosis and Human Growth, New York: W. W. Norton.(《神经症与人的成长》)

1950 The Search for Glory, Pastoral Psychology 1:13.

1950 Speech on the Tenth Anniversary of the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 11 (1951): 3.

1951 On Feeling Abused, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 11:5.

1951 Ziele der analytischen Therapie (Goals of Analytic Therapy), Psyche 7:463.

1952 The Paucity of Inner Experiences, American Journal of Psychoanalysis 12:3.

1960 Feminine Psychology, W. W. Norton & Company.

1980 The Adolescent Diaries of Karen Horney, Basic Books: New York.

1991 Karen Horney. Final Lectures, ed. Douglas H. Ingram. W. W. Norton & Company.

1999 The Therapeutic Process: Essays and Lectures, ed. Bernard J. Paris Yale University Press, New Haven.

2000 The Unknown Karen Horney: Essays on Gender, Culture, and Psychoanalysis, ed. Bernard J. Paris. Yale University Press, New Haven.